UK-Medu discussed with Oldham Councilors for strategic collaboration

UK-Medu discussed with Oldham Councilors for strategic collaboration

On 25th Aug 2020, UK-Medu welcomed Adrian Alexander, ex-councilor of Oldham and famous Rugby Player, Steve Turner (Oldham Councilor, member of the directorial board of United the Union, and Chris Hamilton, the president of the Oldham Rugby League Football Club, committee member of the Education Committee with Unite the Union and Senior Advisor of UK-Medu to discuss about the long term collaboration in the field of medicine and education. Peter Gao, director of UK-Medu and Professor Han Xin Yang along with other representatives also participated in the meeting.

The city of Oldham has rich resources in the field of medicine and education etc. The first-ever baby born using in-vitro fertilization (IVF), Louise Brown was born in Oldham District and General Hospital, currently known as Oldham Royal Infirmary. The success symbolizes huge development in the embryology field and shook the world. Oldham was also once the textile Centre during the Industrial Revolution, with great vocational education in the area. Rugby is also extremely popular in Oldham.

The meeting progressed in a friendly atmosphere with the agreed goal to promote the history and culture of Oldham and also to host exchange programmes with the Chinese counterparts in regard to education, technology, medicine and sports.

The meeting ended with an enjoyable lunch with both parties hoping that the pandemic would end soon, and the projects can be carried out.